Pickleballers in the 808: Pa’i Pickleball
Pa’i Pickleball—Donna and Jennie, and Janner and Donna, today
Honolulu/Belmont, CA—In the 1980’s, two gals become best friends in high school, and they befriend a super cool guy while working at Hawaiian Island Creations. The three get really tight, two of them get married (to each other), the other moves to Cali, and all remain friends and continue their friendship, thirty years later, with pickleball.
One happens to be a graphic artist. The other two have built careers around apparel marketing and merchandising. They love pickleball.
It all came together late last year.
Pa’i Pickleball, a local pickleball apparel and accessory brand, was born.
“Pa’i”, as I know it, means a spanking. And that’s how the name for their company came about. When we play, the pickleball gets a pa’i. LOL.
The designs are contemporary with an 808 vibe, and we were stoked when Pa’i agreed to sponsor our O’ahu team for for the first-ever interisland PB event: the Maui-O’ahu Ohana-style Pickleball Social Mixer.
Without further ado, meet the three lifelong friends who launched Pa’i Pickleball: Donna Asuncion, her husband Janner, and her bestie Jennie Maruyama!
It all began with a friendship—Jan, Donna and Jennie
Currently residing in:
Donna & Jan: Pearl City
Jennie: half of the time in Honolulu, and half in Belmont, CA
Where did you grow up and where did you go to high school?
Donna: Kapahulu, Sacred Hearts Academy
Jan: Pearl City, Pearl City High School
Jennie: born in Kaimuki, then we moved to Hawai’i Kai in 1970. I attended Kaiser High, then Sacred Hearts Academy, where I became besties with Donna.
How did you discover pickleball and when did you start playing?
Donna: Through soccer teammates around 2018.
Jan: Through Donna
Jennie: Around 2018. Heifara Ortas, a local PB enthusiast and tournament organizer, gave me a paddle and got me on the courts in Kailua.
What inspired you to start Pa’i Pickleball?
Donna & Jan: We saw a huge growth in popularity in the sport, and it seemed like hardline equipment (paddles, nets, etc.) and lessons/classes was popping up eveywhere. But there was no pickleball specific apparel, especially from Hawai’i. Our background in apparel & sales, along with Jennie's graphic art expertise, we decided to take swing at it!!!
Jennie: We noticed there wasn't much out there with respect to fresh and fun pickleball-themed designs, and we wondered if there was a market. With Donna's and Jan's sports apparel experience and my design experience, we made it a passion project.
It's been such a great learning experience. None of us had ever built a website or an e-commerce store before.
Jan, Jennie and Donna, back in the day
What do you do outside of pickleball?
Donna: We own and operate an embroidery and embellishment company, pretty much a one-man band. I’m also the primary caregiver for both of my elderly parents. I still try to play soccer, surf, golf, and pickleball.
Jan: I work part-time at Kaneohe Klipper Golf Course. I’m also Donna's part-time delivery boy, trimmer, and weeder. I represent a couple of surf related apparel and accessory companies, and Skullcandy Headphones. Surf, golf, and some pickleball!
Jennie: I retired from the San Francisco Bay Area tech industry as a graphic design manager in 2022 and have been doing a lot of woodworking (another passion) since.
And of course soccer! I love playing the beautiful game.
What do you love most about pickleball?
Donna: It’s my time to relax and get away from work to play with my friends and family.
Jan: Playing with family and friends. From the younger kids, to the Gen X'ers, to our fellow middle aged/kupunas. Like surfing and golf, it’s also a great way to meet people and create possible business opportunities.
Jennie: I like that you can pretty much pick up a paddle and start playing. To get good is another story! I've found the folks playing pickleball are very welcoming and patient. They are happy to be ambassadors for the sport by teaching newbies like me.
What paddle are you currently playing with?
Donna & Jan: Paddletek
Jennie: Paddletek Bantam I got from my friend Heifara.
What is the next goal you’re working toward (in pickleball or otherwise)?
Donna & Jan: To be like Jennie and retire!!! Spend more time with our grandaughter. Travel. Play more pickelball!!!
Jennie: I want to get better at volleys...and dinks!
Outside of pickleball, I hope to work more with Hawaii Habitat for Humanity building homes for Kupuna. It's such a great organization and I love to swing a hammer!
How often do you play?
Donna & Jan: Once a week
Jennie: While in Hawai’i I play once a week. In California, I just started to play two times a week. I'm having so much fun.
I've had to rely on others for the score but today I was the most experienced one on the court and had to help the newbies!
Anything else on your mind that you’d like to share?
Donna & Jan: Support small local business!
Jennie: Our Pa`i Pickleball designs were created to reach the pickleball community in Hawaii and provide them with local designs on quality apparel. Our 'Ohana' design is centered around an artistic riff of the Hawaiian flag for instance. In our 'Dink' design, we borrow the term Pukaball, which is uniquely Hawaiian.
We're hoping to strike a balance between the sport, the pride we feel to live in Hawai’i, and designs that are cool and fun. We're currently working on new designs that will come out soon.
Mahalo, Donna, Jan and Jennie, for sharing your story!