Meet Justin Oleole: From Volleyball to Pickleball, a Passion for Sport and Community
Pickleballer in the 808: Justin Oleole (L) with Jan Asuncion from Pai Pickleball and (R) with Jamie, lending a helping hand at the HI PB Magazine booth at the Aloha PB Games & Festival
From Volleyball to Pickleball: Justin’s Journey to the Sport
Honolulu—When you’re spending an entire weekend at an event, it’s nice to have neighbors who are super cool and that you really like.
At the Aloha Games and Festival this past November, my booth was placed next to Pai Pickleball, which made the long days feel shorter and much more enjoyable. And that’s where I met this edition’s Pickleballer in the 808, Justin Oleole. Without skipping a beat, Justin jumped in and helped run my digital photo booth…which was a huge help as I was running the booth solo for most of the weekend. I’m grateful to Justin and the Pai PB crew for being the best event neighbors anyone could ask for.
Back to Justin…he’s quickly making his mark in pickleball after playing for only a year. He won Silver in 3.0 Mens Doubles and Bronze in 3.0 MXD at the Pac Rim Tourney this past June, the Gold in 3.5 Mens Doubles and MXD at the Aloha Games, and the Gold in the 3.5 division at the Pearl Harbor Tournament in November. In the future, he plans to compete and play pickleball around the world, in locales like Puerta Vallarta, Japan, and South Korea.
A lifelong sports lover, he was introduced to pickleball by a group of volleyball friends and now is obsessed! He’s found a community of pickleball players at church, and now pickleball is a way of life.
Please meet Pickleballer in the 808, Justin Oleole!
Justin at the Aloha PB Games & Festival in Nov 2024
Currently residing in: Honolulu
Where did you grow up and what high school did you go to?
Grew up early years in Kalihi Valley and moved to Pearl City in 1987. Graduated in 1997 from Pearl City High School.
How did you discover pickleball and when did you start playing?
A group of my volleyball friends invited me and I was instantly hooked. I've just made one year of playing pickleball.
What do you love most about pickleball?
I love playing any sport and getting better at it. Pickleball challenges you in ways a volleyball player of 30 years that can be frustrating and satisfying at the same time.
The pickleball community is also very welcoming, especially the family we've built at the church.
What do you do outside of pickleball?
I work in health care—I work for the insurance company and do home health care for high risk kupuna. I look forward to working every day because helping kupuna and their families has been the most rewarding thing I've ever done.
I also coach the Kaimana Volleyball Club, play golf with my dad every two weeks, and I go surfing and snorkeling in the deep blue ocean.
Justin, coaching the Kaimana Volleyball Club (15 Division) and on the court as a member of Team USA at an international tournament in Chiba, Japan last year
What paddle are you playing with?
I‘ve been very loyal to the 6.0 brand having nearly every paddle of theirs, but I’ve recently switched over to the Joola Mod 16mm.
How often do you play?
I’m grateful to be able to play 3-4 times a week.
What is the next goal you’re working toward (in pickleball or otherwise)?
I'd like to say I've accomplished so much in my first year but there is no stopping any time soon. Me and my partner travel the world and the newest addition will be to play pickleball all over the world.
Anything else on your mind?
Justin with his partner, Jason, on their recent travels around the world to Greece and Japan