Pickleballers in the 808: PB808 Ambassador Team
Our incredible Ambassador Team
Honolulu—It takes a village.
Without this Team, the newsletter you receive every week would not be as robust as it is, all due to this incredible group of pickleballers.
In addition to being our roving photographers, they serve as our informal advisory board…most recently they selected the design for our Anniversary Celebration t-shirts!
When you see them out at the Courts, they may ask to take a picture of you and your group. Say “hi”, give ‘em your first name, and say “cheeeeeese”!
Without further ado, please meet the PB808 Ambassador Team (in alpha order by last name) via a lightning round of questions:
Thuan Costa
Bruce Fujimoto
Favorite junk food: Hershey’s chocolate with walnuts. I have tried many fancy chocolate but I keep coming back to Hershey’s.
Texting or Talking? Talking initially because my job requires me to talk to people. At end of day when I am tired of talking, I prefer texting.
Do you have a nickname? You have to ask the pickleballers in the community about this one especially when I accidentally body bag someone.
Spirit animal: Geez, I hope it is a corgi.
On a scale of 1-10, how good of a driver are you? LOL if you are talking about my drive in pickleball, not so bad. But behind the wheels…umm
Would you rather be able to speak every language in the world, or talk to animals? I would like to speak to all the animals of course. I think they would have such kind things to say to us, ya know?
Favorite pickleball shot: If you are a newbie, then my favorite shot is a slam of your high balls. If you are advanced player then my favorite shot is any shot that gets the ball over the net one more time. I pray for your error in the net LOL!
Favorite junk food: Dark chocolate ice cream
Texting or Talking? Talking
Do you have a nickname? No
Spirit animal: Terrier breed short hair poi dog!
On a scale of 1-10, how good of a driver are you? 8! Friends tease, "you drive like you still on Molokai"!
Would you rather be able to speak every language in the world, or talk to animals? Talk to animals
Favorite pickleball shot: Drop shot with spin
Norman Kawakami
Sandy Kobayashi
Gary Nakano
Todd Smith, aka “Pickleball Todd”
Sandra Woo
Favorite junk food: Hurricane popcorn and Diet Coke
Texting or Talking? Definitely talking
Do you have a nickname? Mr. Matchy Matchy
Spirit animal: Dolphin
On a scale of 1-10, how good of a driver are you? Highway = 7.0; City Streets = 6.0
Would you rather be able to speak every language in the world, or talk to animals? Speak every language, I already can talk to some animals!!! (haha)
Favorite pickleball shot: Getting my serve in!!!
Favorite junk food: French fries
Texting or Talking? Text
Do you have a nickname? Kobi
Spirit animal: Cat
On a scale of 1-10, how good of a driver are you? 8
Would you rather be able to speak every language in the world, or talk to animals? Speak every language in the world
Favorite pickleball shot: Any shot that stays in the court
Favorite junk food: Tacos
Texting or Talking? Text
Do you have a nickname? Monz
Spirit animal: Ferret
On a scale of 1-10, how good of a driver are you? 8
Would you rather be able to speak every language in the world, or talk to animals? Talk to animals
Favorite pickleball shot: Inside out shot
Favorite junk food: McDonalds
Texting or Talking? Talking. I like to see emotions, smiles.
Do you have a nickname? Pickleball Todd
Spirit animal: Lion, very strong
On a scale of 1-10, how good of a driver are you? I would say a 7
Would you rather be able to speak every language in the world, or talk to animals? I would like to talk many different languages; to have many, many friends
Favorite pickleball shot: The drive with power
Favorite junk food: Lay’s potato chips
Texting or Talking? Texting
Do you have a nickname? No
Spirit animal: Horse
On a scale of 1-10, how good of a driver are you? 8
Would you rather be able to speak every language in the world, or talk to animals? Talk to animals
Favorite pickleball shot: Top spin dink