O’AHU: Hawai’i State Legislature House vs. Senate Pickleball Tournament
The House of Representatives played the Senate for the chance to win the coveted Pickle Trophy
HONOLULU—Senators Donovan Dela Cruz and Donna Mercado Kim spearheaded a historic, first-ever Hawai’i Legislature House vs. Senate Pickleball Tournament on Monday, April 29th.
Senators Chris Lee and Dru Mamo Kanuha won the Championship, and the House of Representatives won overall, by a score of 36-33.
Scroll down to view a gallery of photos from the event!
Photos courtesy of the Senate Communications Office.
CHAMPIONS! Senators Chris Lee and Dru Mamo Kanuha
The House of Representatives beat the Senate to win the tourney
Senators Donovan Dela Cruz, Lynn DeCoite, Donna Mercado Kim, and Mike Gabbard
Legislative staffers Manya, Ariel and Nicky created the Pickle Trophy
The Senate “team” with Lieutenant Governor Sylvia Luke (center)