Hawaii Pickleball Group Lessons

Join Pickleball Group Lessons & Clinics in Hawaii: Find the Best Pickleball Coaches & Training Sessions Near You


Oahu Pickleball Association

Parks & Recreation: Registration will be conducted online, in the “Activities” section at pros.hnl.info, on a rolling basis by park district.

K2 Pickleball: Group lessons by Pro Kyle Kaneshiro and crew at Moanalua High School.


Small group lessons at the Maui Vista Condo. Visit www.mauivistadropin.com for schedules and fees.


FREE (yes, free) beginner’s lessons. Go to www.pakauai.org/lessons for more info


Free to practically free public group lessons. Check out the County of Hawai’i Parks and Recreation website; scroll down and click on the hyperlink for “Program Guides”.